Monday, January 28, 2013

Why I am recording our family vacations for all to see

Every year, when it's time to start planning our family vacation, I do a lot of praying and a lot of scouring the internet looking for things to do that are educational, fun and will entertain our family.  I am currently scouring the internet for information on Ohio, because that is where we've decided to go this year.  That's right - Ohio.  Not generally on the top of the lists for family vacations - unless maybe you are hitting the big theme parks like Cedar point and King's Island.  Because many people don't go to Ohio, I haven't found tons of information.  I found enough information to plan our vacation, but not many personal stories of how wonderful their family vacation to Ohio was.  So I thought this blog might solve 2 problems.  I thought that maybe by me telling the world about our family vacations it might make it easier for someone else to plan their vacation and that I have always WANTED to make a scrapbook of our travels, but never do.  So maybe, just maybe, someone will be blessed by our family travels, and if not, I'll be blessed by having our vacations travels written down!

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